Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0781758491
Visual Guide to Physical Examination: The Nervous System: Sensory System And Reflexes [VHS]
Medical books Visual Guide to Physical Examination: The Nervous System. Medical books Guide To Physical Examination And History Taking. This landmark book maintains the easy to use format that has ensured the success of earlier editions Students learn how to ask good questions and understand the answers and how to perform the physical exam in an accomplished manner The uncluttered two column format features the examination procedures and proper technique on the left and common abnormalities and possible interpretations on the right Highly visual this text contains illustrations that are strategically placed adjacent to the relevant text to enhance understanding of the material discussed Tables of abnormalities appear at the end of each chapter that enable the reader to compare and contrast abnormal findings This edition has been completely revised and updated to include expanded chapters on the nervous system the skin and the head and neck This text has also been enhanced with the inclusion of more than 150 new full color photographs and illustrations

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This landmark book maintains the easy to use format that has ensured the success of earlier editions Students learn how to ask good questions and understand the answers and how to perform the physical exam in an accomplished manner The uncluttered two column format features the examination procedures and proper technique on the left and common abnormalities and possible interpretations on the right Highly visual this text contains illustrations that are strategically placed adjacent to the relevant text to enhance understanding of the material discussed Tables of abnormalities appear at the en
This landmark book maintains the easy to use format that has ensured the success of earlier editions Students learn how to ask good questions and understand the answers and how to perform the physical exam in an accomplished manner The uncluttered two column format features the examination procedures and proper technique on the left and common abnormalities and possible interpretations on the right Highly visual this text contains illustrations that are strategically placed adjacent to the relevant text to enhance understanding of the material discussed Tables of abnormalities appear at the en
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Medical Book Visual Guide to Physical Examination: The Nervous System