Edition: 2
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0192631497
Epidemiology of the Rheumatic Diseases (Oxford Medical Publications)
Epidemiology of Rheumatic Diseases 2e summarizes all the all the available data on the occurrence and risk factors for the major epidemiological, musculosketal, connective tissue and bone disorders. Medical books Epidemiology of the Rheumatic Diseases . The aim is to provide a comprehensive overview of published data world-wide and include such aspects as temporal and geographical trends in disease, contribution of genetic, constitutional and environmental factors to disease occurrence as well as the influence of traditional epidemiological risk factors such as age and gender. The available data is critically appraised to provide the reader with some information as to the relative robustness of the published material. Since the first edition was published in 1993 there have been major advances in all the subject areas covered in the book. As a consequence much of the original material is now out of date and the book has been extensively re-written Medical books Epidemiology of the Rheumatic Diseases. Categories: Rheumatism, Connective tissue diseases, Musculoskeletal system->Pathology. Contributors: Alan J. Silman - Author. Format: Hardcover

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Categories: Rheumatism, Connective tissue diseases, Musculoskeletal system->Pathology. Contributors: Alan J. Silman - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Rheumatism, Connective tissue diseases, Musculoskeletal system->Pathology. Contributors: Alan J. Silman - Author. Format: Hardcover
New Hardcover.
Medical Book Epidemiology of the Rheumatic Diseases
The aim is to provide a comprehensive overview of published data world-wide and include such aspects as temporal and geographical trends in disease, contribution of genetic, constitutional and environmental factors to disease occurrence as well as the influence of traditional epidemiological risk factors such as age and gender. The available data is critically appraised to provide the reader with some information as to the relative robustness of the published material. Since the first edition was published in 1993 there have been major advances in all the subject areas covered in the book. As a consequence much of the original material is now out of date and the book has been extensively re-written. Additional chapters have been added on systematic vasculities and Paget's disease and much more attention has been given to neck and upper limb pain disorders as well as chronic widespread pain and fibromyalgia. In addition a new chapter has been provided reviewing population studies as a whole of musculosketal morbidity. The authors have also taken the opportunity to comletely rewrite the section on genetics taking advantage of the tremendous advances in this area.