Author: Mari Palta
Edition: 1
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0471455059
Quantitative Methods in Population Health: Extensions of Ordinary Regression (Wiley Desktop Editions)
Each topic starts with an explanation of the theoretical background necessary to allow full understanding of the technique and to facilitate future learning of more advanced or new methods and software
Explanations are designed to assume as little background in mathematics and statistical theory as possible, except that some knowledge of calculus is necessary for certain parts. Medical books Quantitative Methods in Population Health. Medical books Quantitative Methods in Population Health Extensions..., 9780471455059. Quantitative Methods in Population Health Extensions of Ordinary Regression, ISBN-13: 9780471455059, ISBN-10: 0471455059

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Quantitative Methods in Population Health Extensions of Ordinary Regression, ISBN-13: 9780471455059, ISBN-10: 0471455059
Quantitative Methods in Population Health: Extensions of Ordinary Regression by Palta, Mari/ Palta [Hardcover]
A user's guide to advanced statistical techniques for nonstatisticians The study of population health often involves the use of observational data from existing data sets, complex survey designs and longitudinal follow-up. Ordinary regression analysis, familiar to most researchers and practitioners is inadequate for analyzing such data and answering important questions about the relationship of risk factors to health. Nonstatisticians such as epidemiologists and health services researchers require a working knowledge of the sophisticated modeling techniques used by professional statisticians.
"Each topic starts with an explanation of the theoretical background necessary to allow full understanding of the technique and to facilitate future learning of more advanced or new methods and softwareExplanations are designed to assume as little background in mathematics and statistical theory as possible, except that some knowledge of calculus is necessary for certain parts.SAS commands are provided for applying the methods. (PROC REG, PROC MIXED, and PROC GENMOD)All sections contain real life examples, mostly from epidemiologic researchFirst chapter includes a SAS refresherFile Size: 2996
Medical Book Quantitative Methods in Population Health
br>SAS commands are provided for applying the methods. (PROC REG, PROC MIXED, and PROC GENMOD)
All sections contain real life examples, mostly from epidemiologic research
First chapter includes a SAS refresher