Author: Alisdair Ryding BSc MBChB MRCP PhD
Edition: 1 Pap/Cdr
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0443103232
Essential Echocardiography, 1e
This title provides a step by step manual for the complete echo-novice, focusing on the practicalities of performing an examination, and the interpretation of images. Medical books Essential Echocardiography, 1e. The book balances theory with practical step-by-step guidance, clear explanations and helpful illustrations. It starts with the basic concepts of how ultrasound works and moves on to how to perform an echo. Most of the chapters concentrate on assessing specific aspects of cardiac function and systematically cover normal function as well as the whole range of pathologies encountered in day-to-day clinical practice. The text avoids unnecessary technicalities, placing particular emphasis on the diagnostic features of example cases, and covering the entire breadth of adult cardiology Medical books Essential Echocardiography, 1e.

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Essential Echocardiography: A Practical Handbook with DVD (Contemporary Cardiology), ISBN-13: 9781588293220, ISBN-10: 158829322X
Medical Book Essential Echocardiography, 1e
The book balances theory with practical step-by-step guidance, clear explanations and helpful illustrations. It starts with the basic concepts of how ultrasound works and moves on to how to perform an echo. Most of the chapters concentrate on assessing specific aspects of cardiac function and systematically cover normal function as well as the whole range of pathologies encountered in day-to-day clinical practice. The text avoids unnecessary technicalities, placing particular emphasis on the diagnostic features of example cases, and covering the entire breadth of adult cardiology. In addition to the still images the majority of the echo images will be presented additionally in a dynamic form in an accompanying CD-Rom that mirrors the presentation of the textbook. The combination of the book and the CD-Rom provides an unparalleled learning experience for people who do not routinely practise echocardiography. Another unique feature is a self-assessment section which presents case scenarios and images for interpretation. This provides invaluable feedback on diagnostic skills, and reinforces the teaching of the main textbook.