Author: Marie A. Chisholm-Burns
Edition: 1
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1449613438
Pharmacy Management, Leadership, Marketing and Finance & eChapters
Starting in August, the textbook Pharmacy Management, Leadership, Marketing, and Finance will come bundled with Risk Management for Pharmacy Practice, a two-chapter online PDF supplement, at no additional cost: Managing Risk: The Basics eChapter This chapter introduces enterprise risk management and the role of the pharmacy manager in identifying risks that may impact the pharmacy organization as a whole. Medical books Pharmacy Management, Leadership, Marketing and Finance & eChapters. With a thorough review explaining the process of identifying, classifying and determining which problems to address first, as well as how to develop a risk management plan to monitor and manage risk, this key supplement will provide a valuable resource for students to learn the foundations needed for pharmacy practice. Managing Risk: Insurance Fundamentals eChapter This 37 page overview describes basic aspects and concepts of insurance including the declarations page, common policy conditions, property coverages, commercial liability coverages, pharmacy professional liability coverage, claims-made or occurrence coverage, exclusions, limitations, and conditions, common reasons why some risks are not insurable, and umbrella coverage. With an understanding of the appropriate utilization of insurance students and pharmacists will be armed with strategies and tools to guard against numerous risks that would otherwise harm the pharmacy business or organization and/or the individual. Both chapters include figures and tables to illustrate key information and aid comprehension as well as case scenarios and a glossary Medical books Pharmacy Management, Leadership, Marketing and Finance, 9780763763268. Pharmacy Management, Leadership, Marketing and Finance, ISBN-13: 9780763763268, ISBN-10: 0763763268

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Medical Book Pharmacy Management, Leadership, Marketing and Finance & eChapters
With a thorough review explaining the process of identifying, classifying and determining which problems to address first, as well as how to develop a risk management plan to monitor and manage risk, this key supplement will provide a valuable resource for students to learn the foundations needed for pharmacy practice. Managing Risk: Insurance Fundamentals eChapter This 37 page overview describes basic aspects and concepts of insurance including the declarations page, common policy conditions, property coverages, commercial liability coverages, pharmacy professional liability coverage, claims-made or occurrence coverage, exclusions, limitations, and conditions, common reasons why some risks are not insurable, and umbrella coverage. With an understanding of the appropriate utilization of insurance students and pharmacists will be armed with strategies and tools to guard against numerous risks that would otherwise harm the pharmacy business or organization and/or the individual. Both chapters include figures and tables to illustrate key information and aid comprehension as well as case scenarios and a glossary. See "Samples & Additional Resources" tab for Figures related to e-Chapters. The comprehensive textbook, Pharmacy Management, Leadership, Marketing, and Finance, provides pharmacy students and practicing pharmacists with valuable information on topics such as operations management, economic analysis, reimbursement and marketing. This book also features sections on communication, conflict management, professionalism, and human resource strategies vital competencies for pharmacy leaders and managers. Written in a reader-friendly style, this text effectively facilitates an in-depth level of understanding of essential leadership and management concepts for application in practice. The Chapters were written and reviewed by academic pharmacy faculty, practicing pharmacy managers and leaders, human resources professionals, and practicing attorneys to incorporate both theory and real-world experiences. The authors and reviewers represent more than 70 colleges/schools of pharmacy and national/international institutions. This is a highly practical text that addresses the kinds of issues pharmacy professionals will face in their day-to-day work regardless of whether they hold formal or informal leadership roles thus making this book an essential, attainable resource for pharmacy students and practitioners.