Edition: 1st
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0192627856
Quality of Life Assessment in Clinical Trials: Methods and Practice
Researchers in all clinical fields are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of quality of life measurements in judging the efficacy of a given treatment, and it is becoming more common for psychological criteria to play an important role in the evaluation of therapies. Medical books Quality of Life Assessment in Clinical Trials. In the past ten years a number of methods have been developed for carrying out such assessments. Quality of life research does however use special statistical methods which might well be unfamiliar to the clinician. Quality of life assessment in clinical trials: methods and practice explores these methods in a non-mathematical manner, comparing and contrasting the tools available to the clinician, and highlighting any potential pitfalls. It describes the methods used to collect and analyse quality of life data Medical books Quality of Life Assessment in Clinical Trials - Methods and Practice. Researchers in all clinical fields are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of quality of life measurements in judging the efficacy of a given treatment and it is becoming more common for psychological criteria to play an important role in the evaluation of therapies In the past ten years a number of methods have been developed for carrying out such assessments Quality of life research does however use special statistical methods which might well be unfamiliar to the clinician Quality of Life Assessment in Clinical Trials Methods and Practice explores these methods in a non mathematical manner comparing and contrasting the tools available to the clinician and highlighting any potential pitfalls It describes the methods used to collect and analyse quality of life data The book will have widespread appeal to clinical trialists and researchers from a wide range of specialties

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Researchers in all clinical fields are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of quality of life measurements in judging the efficacy of a given treatment and it is becoming more common for psychological criteria to play an important role in the evaluation of therapies In the past ten years a number of methods have been developed for carrying out such assessments Quality of life research does however use special statistical methods which might well be unfamiliar to the clinician Quality of Life Assessment in Clinical Trials Methods and Practice explores these methods in a non mathematic
This book is written by Ron D. Hays Published by Oxford University Press In 1998 and is available in Hardback Usually Ships in 3 Days.
Hardcover book, 376 pages. Published by Oxford University Press, USA
Medical Book Quality of Life Assessment in Clinical Trials
In the past ten years a number of methods have been developed for carrying out such assessments. Quality of life research does however use special statistical methods which might well be unfamiliar to the clinician. Quality of life assessment in clinical trials: methods and practice explores these methods in a non-mathematical manner, comparing and contrasting the tools available to the clinician, and highlighting any potential pitfalls. It describes the methods used to collect and analyse quality of life data. The book will have widespread appeal to clinical trialists and researchers from a wide range of specialties.