Author: Nalini Ravishanker
Edition: 1
Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1584882476
A First Course in Linear Model Theory
This innovative, intermediate-level statistics text fills an important gap by presenting the theory of linear statistical models at a level appropriate for senior undergraduate or first-year graduate students. Medical books A First Course in Linear Model Theory. With an innovative approach, the author's introduces students to the mathematical and statistical concepts and tools that form a foundation for studying the theory and applications of both univariate and multivariate linear models
A First Course in Linear Model Theory systematically presents the basic theory behind linear statistical models with motivation from an algebraic as well as a geometric perspective. Through the concepts and tools of matrix and linear algebra and distribution theory, it provides a framework for understanding classical and contemporary linear model theory. It does not merely introduce formulas, but develops in students the art of statistical thinking and inspires learning at an intuitive level by emphasizing conceptual understanding.
The authors' fresh approach, methodical presentation, wealth of examples, and introduction to topics beyond the classical theory set this book apart from other texts on linear models Medical books A First Course in Linear Model Theory. Categories: Linear models (Statistics). Contributors: Nalini Ravishanker - Author. Format: Hardcover

Download link for A First Course In Linear Model Theory Ravishanker, Nalini (author)/ Dey, Dipak K
Categories: Linear models (Statistics). Contributors: Nalini Ravishanker - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Linear models (Statistics). Contributors: Nalini Ravishanker - Author. Format: Hardcover
First Course in Linear Model Theory, ISBN-13: 9781584882473, ISBN-10: 1584882476
First Course in Linear Model Theory by Ravishanker, Nalini/ Dey, Dipak K./ Dey, Dipak K. [Hardcover]
Medical Book A First Course in Linear Model Theory
With an innovative approach, the author's introduces students to the mathematical and statistical concepts and tools that form a foundation for studying the theory and applications of both univariate and multivariate linear models
A First Course in Linear Model Theory systematically presents the basic theory behind linear statistical models with motivation from an algebraic as well as a geometric perspective. Through the concepts and tools of matrix and linear algebra and distribution theory, it provides a framework for understanding classical and contemporary linear model theory. It does not merely introduce formulas, but develops in students the art of statistical thinking and inspires learning at an intuitive level by emphasizing conceptual understanding.
The authors' fresh approach, methodical presentation, wealth of examples, and introduction to topics beyond the classical theory set this book apart from other texts on linear models. It forms a refreshing and invaluable first step in students' study of advanced linear models, generalized linear models, nonlinear models, and dynamic models.