Author: Springhouse
Edition: 1
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Binding: DVD
ISBN: 1608310957
Lippincott's Health Assessment Video Series: student set on thePoint
A new, nursing specific Health Assesment video series consisting of six volumes. Medical books Lippincott's Health Assessment Video Series. Volume 1 presents the basics of nursing health assessment and techniques for interviewing, performing the physical assessment, and collecting data. Volume 2 covers foundational assessments. Volumes 3, 4, 5, and 6 systematically address assessment of all the body systems. This video series can be used in conjunction with any nursing health assessment text Medical books Lippincott's Health Assessment Video Series: student..., 9781608310951. Lippincott's Health Assessment Video Series: student set on thePoint, ISBN-13: 9781608310951, ISBN-10: 1608310957

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Lippincott's Health Assessment Video Series: student set on thePoint, ISBN-13: 9781608310951, ISBN-10: 1608310957
Contributors: Springhouse - Author. Format: Multimedia
Contributors: Springhouse - Author. Format: Multimedia
A new, nursing specific Health Assesment video series consisting of six modules running around 50 minutes each, and also containing some additional bonus galleries of content. The content is appropriate for undergraduate nursing students.
Medical Book Lippincott's Health Assessment Video Series
Volume 1 presents the basics of nursing health assessment and techniques for interviewing, performing the physical assessment, and collecting data. Volume 2 covers foundational assessments. Volumes 3, 4, 5, and 6 systematically address assessment of all the body systems. This video series can be used in conjunction with any nursing health assessment text. The content is appropriate for undergraduate nursing students.