Edition: 2
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0198527691
Assessing Quality of Life in Clinical Trials: Methods and Practice
Researchers in all clinical fields are fully aware of the importance of Quality of Life measurements in judging the efficacy of a given treatment. Medical books Assessing Quality of Life in Clinical Trials. Medical books Assessing Quality of Life in Clinical Trials: Methods and Practice. Categories: Clinical trials, Health status indicators, Quality of life->Evaluation. Contributors: Peter Fayers - Editor. Format: Hardcover

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Categories: Clinical trials, Health status indicators, Quality of life->Evaluation. Contributors: Peter Fayers - Editor. Format: Hardcover
Assessing Quality Of Life In Clinical Trials Methods And Practice, ISBN-13: 9780198527695, ISBN-10: 0198527691
[ Ships Daily ] Condition: Good[ Underlining/Highlighting: NONE ] [ Writing: SOME ] Assessing Quality of Life in Clinical Trials: Methods and Practice By Peter Fayers, Ron Hays ISBN: 0198527691 Edition:second Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA Pub Date: 4/28/2005 Binding: Hardcover Pages: 482
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Medical Book Assessing Quality of Life in Clinical Trials
Psychological criteria play an important role in this evaluation. Assessment of Quality of Life in Clinical Trials: methods and practice explores the current state of the art and illustrates the benefits and potential of health related quality of life assessment in clinical trials. It covers a wide range of analytical issues, emphasizing new and innovative approaches that are of practical and clinical importance.