Edition: 2
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0521111889
Core Topics in Airway Management (Cambridge Medicine)
Every anaesthetist reaches the end of their career with a collection of difficult airway experiences. Medical books Core Topics in Airway Management . Managing airway challenges relies on a combination of good clinical practice, knowledge of relevant basic sciences and critical evaluation of every aspect of airway care. This new edition of Core Topics in Airway Management provides any trainee or consultant involved in airway techniques with practical, clinically relevant coverage of the core skills and knowledge required to manage airways in a wide variety of patients and clinical settings. All new procedures and equipment are reviewed, and detailed chapters advise on airway issues in a range of surgical procedures. This edition also contains a series of practical questions and answers, enabling the reader to evaluate their knowledge Medical books Core Topics In Airway Management Ebook. Buy Core Topics in Airway Management by and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!

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Buy Core Topics in Airway Management by and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!
Maintaining good airway function during anaesthesia is a challenging aspect of daily practice. Core Topics in Airway Management, second edition, provides any clinician using airway techniques with practical, clinically relevant coverage of the key skills to manage airways in different patients and clinical settings. Relevant for anaesthetists, emergency physicians and intensivists.
format hardback language english publication year 01 12 2010 subject medicine subject 2 clinical medicine professional ean 9780521111881 title core topics in airway management sku st 0521111889 product category books comics magazines about speedy hen ltd by continuing with this checkout and ordering from speedy hen you are accepting our current terms and conditions details of which can be found by clicking here author biography ian calder is a consultant anaesthetist at the national hospital for
edition description revised format hardcover format trade cloth isbn 10 0521111889 isbn 13 9780521111881 language english publication year 20100000 audience scholarly professional book copyright date 2011 book edited by name adrian pearce ian calder book industry reviews review of the first edition core topics in airway management concisely covers all the basics and some of the unique areas in airway management key groundbreaking clinically relevant material is presented in a clear and succinct
Medical Book Core Topics in Airway Management
Managing airway challenges relies on a combination of good clinical practice, knowledge of relevant basic sciences and critical evaluation of every aspect of airway care. This new edition of Core Topics in Airway Management provides any trainee or consultant involved in airway techniques with practical, clinically relevant coverage of the core skills and knowledge required to manage airways in a wide variety of patients and clinical settings. All new procedures and equipment are reviewed, and detailed chapters advise on airway issues in a range of surgical procedures. This edition also contains a series of practical questions and answers, enabling the reader to evaluate their knowledge. Written by leading airway experts with decades of experience managing difficult airways, Core Topics in Airway Management, second edition, is an invaluable tool for anaesthetists, intensivists, and emergency physicians.