Edition: 1
Publisher: Georgetown University Press
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 087840810X
The Health Care Professional as Friend and Healer: Building on the Work of Edmund D. Pellegrino
This book illuminates issues in medical ethics revolving around the complex bond between healer and patient, focusing on friendship and other important values in the healing relationship. Medical books The Health Care Professional as Friend and Healer. Embracing medicine, philosophy, theology, and bioethics, it considers whether bioethical issues in medicine, nursing, and dentistry can be examined from the perspective of the healing relationship rather than external moral principles Medical books The Health Care Professional as Friend and Healer: Building on the Work of Edmund D. Pellegrino. "This book illuminates issues in medical ethics revolving around the complex bond between healer and patient, focusing on friendship and other important values in the healing relationship. Embracing medicine, philosophy, theology, and bioethics, it considers whether bioethical issues in medicine, nursing, and dentistry can be examined from the perspective of the healing relationship rather than external moral principles.Distinguished contributors explore the role of the health professional, the moral basis of health care, greater emphasis on the humanities in medical education, and some of the current challenges facing healers today.File Size: 3917 KBPrint Length: 320 pagesPublisher: Georgetown University Press; 1 edition (October 31, 2000) Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.Language: EnglishASIN: B001HBI2MO"
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Medical Book The Health Care Professional as Friend and Healer
Embracing medicine, philosophy, theology, and bioethics, it considers whether bioethical issues in medicine, nursing, and dentistry can be examined from the perspective of the healing relationship rather than external moral principles.
Distinguished contributors explore the role of the health professional, the moral basis of health care, greater emphasis on the humanities in medical education, and some of the current challenges facing healers today.