Author: Henry M. Seidel
Edition: Video
Publisher: Mosby-Year Book
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0801665205
Physical Assess Vid Phys Exam (Mosby's Physical Examination Video Series)
Medical books Physical Assess Vid Phys Exam . Medical books Phys Exam & Hlth Assess DVD 8: Abdomen. Title: Physical Examination and Health Assessment DVD Series: DVD 8: Abdomen, Version 2, Ed. 1Author/Editor: Jarvis, CarolynPublisher: Elsevier Health SciencesImprint: SaundersPublication Date: 09/04/2007Pages: Size: Binding: DVDISBN: 978-1-4160-4020-0Copyright: 2008
Author Information:By Carolyn Jarvis, MSN, APN, CNP, Family Nurse Practitioner, Chestnut Health Systems, Bloomington, IL, and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Nursing, School of Nursing, Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, IL

Download link for Phys Exam & Hlth Assess DVD 9: Musculoskeletal
Title: Physical Examination and Health Assessment DVD Series: DVD 8: Abdomen, Version 2, Ed. 1Author/Editor: Jarvis, CarolynPublisher: Elsevier Health SciencesImprint: SaundersPublication Date: 09/04/2007Pages: Size: Binding: DVDISBN: 978-1-4160-4020-0Copyright: 2008
Author Information:By Carolyn Jarvis, MSN, APN, CNP, Family Nurse Practitioner, Chestnut Health Systems, Bloomington, IL, and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Nursing, School of Nursing, Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, IL
Author Information:By Carolyn Jarvis, MSN, APN, CNP, Family Nurse Practitioner, Chestnut Health Systems, Bloomington, IL, and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Nursing, School of Nursing, Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, IL
Title: Physical Examination and Health Assessment DVD Series: DVD 3: Nose, Mouth, Throat, and Neck, Version 2, Ed. 1Author/Editor: Jarvis, CarolynPublisher: Elsevier Health SciencesImprint: SaundersPublication Date: 09/04/2007Pages:Size:Binding: DVDISBN: 978-1-4160-4030-9Copyright: 2008
Description:Video 3 from the Jarvis Physical Examination and Health Assessment Video Series begins with an anatomical review of the structures of the nose, mouth, throat, and neck. Then the nose examination shows how to inspect and palpate the external nose, nasal cavity, and paranasal sinuses. The mouth and th
Description:Video 3 from the Jarvis Physical Examination and Health Assessment Video Series begins with an anatomical review of the structures of the nose, mouth, throat, and neck. Then the nose examination shows how to inspect and palpate the external nose, nasal cavity, and paranasal sinuses. The mouth and th
Title: Physical Examination and Health Assessment DVD Series: DVD 2: Head, Eyes, and Ears, Version 2, Ed. 1Author/Editor: Jarvis, CarolynPublisher: Elsevier Health SciencesImprint: SaundersPublication Date: 09/04/2007Pages: Size: Binding: DVDISBN: 978-1-4160-4025-5Copyright: 2008
Description:Video 2 from the Jarvis Physical Examination and Health Assessment Video Series begins with an anatomical review of the structures of the head, eyes, and ears. The head examination focuses on skull inspection and palpation and face inspection. The eye examination includes vision testing, extraocular muscle
Description:Video 2 from the Jarvis Physical Examination and Health Assessment Video Series begins with an anatomical review of the structures of the head, eyes, and ears. The head examination focuses on skull inspection and palpation and face inspection. The eye examination includes vision testing, extraocular muscle
Title: Physical Examination and Health Assessment DVD Series: DVD 5: Thorax and Lungs, Version 2, Ed. 1Author/Editor: Jarvis, CarolynPublisher: Elsevier Health SciencesImprint: SaundersPublication Date: 09/04/2007Pages: Size: Binding: DVDISBN: 978-1-4160-4031-6Copyright: 2008
Description:Video 5 from the Jarvis Physical Examination and Health Assessment Video Series begins with a review of the thoracic landmarks and reference lines and the lung structures. Then it presents inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation of the posterior thorax and the anterior thorax. In both areas, it fea
Description:Video 5 from the Jarvis Physical Examination and Health Assessment Video Series begins with a review of the thoracic landmarks and reference lines and the lung structures. Then it presents inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation of the posterior thorax and the anterior thorax. In both areas, it fea
Medical Book Physical Assess Vid Phys Exam