Author: Keith B.J. Franklin
Edition: 3
Publisher: Academic Press
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0123694604
The Mouse Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, Third Edition
The mouse is undoubtedly the most important and commonly used model system in research. Medical books The Mouse Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, Third Edition. This is increasingly the case in the study of brain function. The availability of genetically modified animals has boosted research in neuroscience, and the data being amassed needs a common neuroanatomical background to map to. The previous two editions of the Mouse Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates have been the standard neuroanatomical atlases for the mouse for over a decade. The completely revised and updated third edition features many improvements and upgrades Medical books The Mouse Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, Compact 3rd Edition, Third Edition: the Coronal Plates and Diagrams.

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The Mouse Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates is the most widely used and cited atlas of the mouse brain in print. It provides researchers and students with both accurate stereotaxic coordinates for laboratory use, and detailed delineations and indexing of structures for reference. The Compact 3rd edition is both a major revision and an expansion of previous compact editions. The 100 high resolution digital photographs of the coronal plane of section from the third full edition now complement the coronal drawings. The photographs of the sections and the intermediate sections are also provided on
The Mouse Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates is the most widely used and cited atlas of the mouse brain in print. It provides researchers and students with both accurate stereotaxic coordinates for laboratory use, and detailed delineations and indexing of structures for reference. The Compact 3rd edition is both a major revision and an expansion of previous compact editions. The 100 high resolution digital photographs of the coronal plane of section from the third full edition now complement the coronal drawings. The photographs of the sections and the intermediate sections are also provided on
Medical Book The Mouse Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, Third Edition
This is increasingly the case in the study of brain function. The availability of genetically modified animals has boosted research in neuroscience, and the data being amassed needs a common neuroanatomical background to map to. The previous two editions of the Mouse Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates have been the standard neuroanatomical atlases for the mouse for over a decade. The completely revised and updated third edition features many improvements and upgrades. The presentation is in full color throughout, and features much higher quality microscopic plates created through a new scanning technique that greatly improves resolution. Constructed by the established leaders in neuroanatomical atlas development, the new edition will again become an indispensable resource for all scientists working on the mouse nervous system.
New to this edition:
* Full color throughout
* Includes a CD of all plates and diagrams, as well as Adobe Illustrator files of the diagrams, and a variety of additional useful material
* Coronal and sagittal diagrams are completely reworked and updated
* Rhombomeric borders included in sagittal figures, for the first time in mammals
* Microscopic plates are scanned with a new method in much higher quality