Author: Jos W. R. Twisk
Edition: 1
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0521614988
Applied Multilevel Analysis: A Practical Guide for Medical Researchers (Practical Guides to Biostatistics and Epidemiology)
This is a practical introduction to multilevel analysis suitable for all those doing research. Medical books Applied Multilevel Analysis. Most books on multilevel analysis are written by statisticians; those books are difficult for non-mathematical researchers. In contrast, this volume provides an accessible account on the practical application of multilevel analysis in research. Many worked examples, with computer output, are given to illustrate and explain this subject. Datasets of the examples are available on the internet, so the reader can reanalyze the data Medical books Applied Multilevel Analysis: A Practical Guide by Twisk, Jos W. R.. Applied Multilevel Analysis: A Practical Guide by Twisk, Jos WR [Paperback]

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Applied Multilevel Analysis: A Practical Guide by Twisk, Jos WR [Paperback]
author jos wr twisk format paperback language english publication year 28 03 2006 series practical guides to biostatistics and epidemiology subject medicine subject 2 medical nursing ancillary services goddings limited presents applied multilevel analysis a practical guide for medical researchers practical guides to biostatistics and epidemiology isbn 0521614988 author jos wr twisk publisher cambridge university press date 2006 05 15 seller sku gard 0521614986 qty available 1 format paperback
Applied Multilevel Analysis A Practical Guide, ISBN-13: 9780521614986, ISBN-10: 0521614988
Applied Multilevel Analysis : Paperback : CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS : 9780521614986 : 0521614988 : 31 May 2006 : This is a practical introduction to multilevel analysis, written for non-mathematicians.
Medical Book Applied Multilevel Analysis
Most books on multilevel analysis are written by statisticians; those books are difficult for non-mathematical researchers. In contrast, this volume provides an accessible account on the practical application of multilevel analysis in research. Many worked examples, with computer output, are given to illustrate and explain this subject. Datasets of the examples are available on the internet, so the reader can reanalyze the data. This approach will help bridge the conceptual and communication gap that exists between researchers and statisticians.