Author: Jill M. Baren MD MBE FACEP FAAP
Edition: 1
Publisher: Hanley & Belfus
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 156053575X
Emergency Medicine Pearls, 1e
In the unique vignette format of the Pearls Series®, this book presents a variety of problems that challenge emergency physicians in everyday practice. Medical books Emergency Medicine Pearls, 1e. Medical books Emergency Medicine Oral Board Review: Pearls of Wisdom, Fifth Edition. Emergency Medicine Oral Board Review: Pearls of Wisdom, Fifth Edition: Scott Plantz, William Gossman

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Emergency Medicine Oral Board Review: Pearls of Wisdom, Fifth Edition: Scott Plantz, William Gossman
FA Davis Company 2001-01-15. Paperback. Used - Very Good. Very good condition.
Softcover book, 304 pages. Published by FA Davis Company
New Paperback.
Medical Book Emergency Medicine Pearls, 1e
For each patient, the authors present the case scenario, physical findings, lab data, and a clinical photo, and the reader is challenged to formulate a diagnosis and a treatment strategy. The next page reveals the diagnosis, discusses the condition, and leaves the reader with several "pearls of wisdom" distilled from the case.
- Actual real-life case studies are presented.
- Efficient problem-solving, self-study approach is ideal for board review
- Important points (pearls) are distilled from the case presentation
- Key references offer readers additional resources to consult