Author: James A. Trostle
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0521793890
Epidemiology and Culture (Cambridge Studies in Medical Anthropology)
Demonstrating how practitioners in the emerging field of "cultural epidemiology" describe human health, communicate with diverse audiences, and intervene to improve health and prevent disease, this book uses textual and statistical portraits of disease to describe interdisciplinary collaborations. Medical books Epidemiology and Culture . Medical books Epidemiology And Culture By James A. Trostle. Hardback Isbn13: 9780521790505. author james a trostle format hardback language english publication year 21 02 2005 series cambridge studies in medical anthropology subject social sciences subject 2 sociology anthropology professional epidemiology and culture by james a trostle published by cambridge university press not quite what you re looking for see more books in incidence prevention of disease or medicine and health all free uk delivery on everything not even the right subject see books in arts design and entertainment b

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author james a trostle format hardback language english publication year 21 02 2005 series cambridge studies in medical anthropology subject social sciences subject 2 sociology anthropology professional epidemiology and culture by james a trostle published by cambridge university press not quite what you re looking for see more books in incidence prevention of disease or medicine and health all free uk delivery on everything not even the right subject see books in arts design and entertainment b
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Epidemiology and Culture by Trostle, James A./ James a., Trostle/ Harwood, Alan [Hardcover]
This book shows how practitioners in the emerging field of 'cultural epidemiology' describe human health, communicate with diverse audiences, and intervene to improve health and prevent disease. It uses textual and statistical portraits of disease to describe past and present collaborations between anthropology and epidemiology. Interpreting epidemiology as a cultural practice helps to reveal the ways in which measurement, causal thinking, and intervention design are all influenced by belief, habit, and theories of power. By unpacking many common disease risks and epidemiologic categories, thi
Medical Book Epidemiology and Culture
Interpreting epidemiology as a cultural practice helps to reveal the ways in which measurement, causal thinking, and intervention design are influenced by belief, habit, and theories of power.