Author: Jamie Bisson
Binding: Kindle Edition
Patient Assessment
Patient assessment is crucial in caring for anyone in a healthcare setting. Medical books Patient Assessment. This book is aimed at nurses (including students), medical students, junior and more senior doctors. This book is concise and referenced throughout.
The book follows a "top to toe" patient assessment method and covers the following headings:
Why we assess the patient and factors that affect our assessments;
The neurological assessment section of the book covers mental status, cranial nerves and their assessment, motor function, reflexes, sensation, arousal, attention and concentration, memory, language, visual spacial perception, praxis, performing calculations, executive functioning and mood / thought content.
The book makes a thorough assessment of the patient's respiratory system including causes of respiratory compromise Medical books Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Patient Assessment (Hardcover). Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Fourth Edition, is intended to serve as a foundational guide and reference to paramedicine. Developed to stay ahead of current trends and practices in paramedicine, all seven volumes are based on the National EMS Education Standards and the accompanying Paramedic Instructional Guidelines . Volume 3, Patient Assessment , addresses the various steps and facets of patient assessment. Current terms for steps of the assessment have replaced older terms, for example primary assessment replaces the former term initial assessment; secondary assessment replaces the former term focused history and physical exam.

Download link for The Latino Psychiatric Patient: Assessment and Treatment
Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Fourth Edition, is intended to serve as a foundational guide and reference to paramedicine. Developed to stay ahead of current trends and practices in paramedicine, all seven volumes are based on the National EMS Education Standards and the accompanying Paramedic Instructional Guidelines . Volume 3, Patient Assessment , addresses the various steps and facets of patient assessment. Current terms for steps of the assessment have replaced older terms, for example primary assessment replaces the former term initial assessment; secondary assessment replaces th
Patient Assessment Practice Scenarios
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Patient Assessment in Pharmacy Practice by Rhonda M. Jones, Raylene M. Rospond Estimated delivery 4-14 business days Format Hardcover Condition Brand New Patient Assessment in Pharmacy Practice uses a practical approach to patient assessment skills for pharmacists. This book covers basic A amp;P, Pathology, and system assessment through interview, communication and some physical exams in order to help pharmacist/pharmacy student correlate signs and sym
Patient Assessment, Intervention and Documentation for the Veterinary Technician : A Guide to Developing Care Plans and SOAP's, ISBN-13: 9781418067496, ISBN-10: 1418067490
Medical Book Patient Assessment
This book is aimed at nurses (including students), medical students, junior and more senior doctors. This book is concise and referenced throughout.
The book follows a "top to toe" patient assessment method and covers the following headings:
Why we assess the patient and factors that affect our assessments;
The neurological assessment section of the book covers mental status, cranial nerves and their assessment, motor function, reflexes, sensation, arousal, attention and concentration, memory, language, visual spacial perception, praxis, performing calculations, executive functioning and mood / thought content.
The book makes a thorough assessment of the patient's respiratory system including causes of respiratory compromise.
The cardiac system is extensively discussed with reference to the patient's potential cardiac history, cardiac physical assessment, auscultation of heart sounds and examining jugular venous pressure.
The gastrointestinal system assessment is explored and reference is made to the patients potential gastrointestinal history, symptoms, auscultation, palpation, percussion and other tests. Blood results that are specific to the gastrointestinal system are also discussed.
The renal assessment includes historical questions to ask. Biochemical markers, fluid balance and urinalysis are all discussed thoroughly.