Author: Wayne W. Daniel
Edition: 9th
Publisher: Wiley
Binding: Paperback
Biostatistics (International Student Version of Biostatistics: A Foundation for Analysis in the Health Sciences)
Allied health professionals rely on Biostatistics for its high standards of statistical accuracy. Medical books Biostatistics (International Student Version of Biostatistics. It helps them develop a set of statistical tools that are relevant to their field. Now in its ninth edition, the book integrates new applications from several biological science fields throughout the pages. Each chapter now opens with bulleted objectives that highlight the main ideas. Summary boxes of formulae and statistical rules are presented for easy reference and review Medical books Biostatistics: a Foundation for Analysis in the Health Sciences, Ninth Edition International Student Version.

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SmartDeal Shop : Template Please read all description carefully before purchasing!!! The above eBay “pre-filled description” refer to the US Edition and is used for reference purpose only . It may differ from the book on sale which is an International Student Edition. For the accurate details, please refer as below: Title : Fundamentals of Biostatistics ISE ISBN 13 : 9780538735896 International Edition in Soft cover . The ISBN Cover page of the book is different . Same content as US edition
New Paperback.
Medical Book Biostatistics (International Student Version of Biostatistics
It helps them develop a set of statistical tools that are relevant to their field. Now in its ninth edition, the book integrates new applications from several biological science fields throughout the pages. Each chapter now opens with bulleted objectives that highlight the main ideas. Summary boxes of formulae and statistical rules are presented for easy reference and review. Support is also provided for multiple programs such as SPSS, SAS, and STATA, in addition to Minitab. This includes screen captures and technology boxes with step-by-step help. Health professionals will then gain the ability to use technology to analyze data.