Author: Lippincott
Edition: Second
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1605472506
Assessment: An Incredibly Easy! Pocket Guide (Incredibly Easy! Series®)
Assessment: An Incredibly Easy! Pocket Guide, Second Edition provides time-starved nurses with the essentials of assessment in a streamlined, bulleted, and highly visual format. Medical books Assessment. Medical books ACCESS Grade 6 - Common Core ELA Practice Assessments. ACCESS is comprehensive assessment system designed to assist teachers in gauging student mastery of the Common Core State Standards in order to help them target and remediate areas of weakness so that students can be more successful on high-stakes national assessments. The ACCESS program contains a series of student workbooks that feature two complete practice tests that are directly aligned with the new Common Core State Standards (CCSS).
The pre-test allows teachers to gauge current skill levels of their incoming students and the post-test provides a complete profile of students' strengths and weaknesses after recieving targeted instruction throughout the year. Each practice test also comes with an answer key that breaks down the questions by standard so that it is easy for teachers to know exactly which standards need to be emphasized. This will enable teachers to spend more time on teaching standards that the majority of their students are struggling with and also target specific students for small group or one-on-one remediation when necessary to address learning gaps.
Download link for StandOut: The Groundbreaking New Strengths Assessment from the Leader of the Strengths Revolution
The pre-test allows teachers to gauge current skill levels of their incoming students and the post-test provides a complete profile of students' strengths a
Medical Book Assessment
The book fits into a pocket for quick reference anytime and anywhere and uses charts, illustrations, logos, and other Incredibly Easy! features to help nurses spot key facts at a glance. All elements of a thorough assessment are covered, including health history and physical examination techniques, nutritional and mental health assessments, and assessment of each body system. This edition has been revised and updated and includes new information on obesity.