Author: Stephen Senn
Edition: 1
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0521540232
Dicing with Death: Chance, Risk and Health
If you think that statistics has nothing to say about what you do or how you could do it better, then you are either wrong or in need of a more interesting job. Medical books Dicing with Death. Stephen Senn explains here how statistics determines many decisions about medical care--from allocating resources for health, to determining which drugs to license, to cause-and-effect in relation to disease. He tackles big themes: clinical trials and the development of medicines, life tables, vaccines and their risks or lack of them, smoking and lung cancer and even the power of prayer. He entertains with puzzles and paradoxes and covers the lives of famous statistical pioneers. By the end of the book the reader will see how reasoning with probability is essential to making rational decisions in medicine, and how and when it can guide us when faced with choices that impact our health and/or life Medical books Dramascripts - Dicing With Death: Three Medieval Plays (dramascripts Classic Tex. author john o connor educational level uk school key stage 3 format paperback language english publication year 12 10 1999 subject school textbooks study guides subject 2 school textbooks study guides literature arts humanities payment shipping rates returns dramascripts dicing with death three medieval plays dramascripts classic texts product category books isbn 0174325967 title dramascripts dicing with death three medieval plays dramascripts classic texts ean 9780174325963 authors o connor joh

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author john o connor educational level uk school key stage 3 format paperback language english publication year 12 10 1999 subject school textbooks study guides subject 2 school textbooks study guides literature arts humanities payment shipping rates returns dramascripts dicing with death three medieval plays dramascripts classic texts product category books isbn 0174325967 title dramascripts dicing with death three medieval plays dramascripts classic texts ean 9780174325963 authors o connor joh
Dicing With Death Chance, Risk, and Health, ISBN-13: 9780521540230, ISBN-10: 0521540232
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Medical Book Dicing with Death
Stephen Senn explains here how statistics determines many decisions about medical care--from allocating resources for health, to determining which drugs to license, to cause-and-effect in relation to disease. He tackles big themes: clinical trials and the development of medicines, life tables, vaccines and their risks or lack of them, smoking and lung cancer and even the power of prayer. He entertains with puzzles and paradoxes and covers the lives of famous statistical pioneers. By the end of the book the reader will see how reasoning with probability is essential to making rational decisions in medicine, and how and when it can guide us when faced with choices that impact our health and/or life. Stephen Senn has been a Professor of Pharmaceutical and Health Statistics at the University College of London since 1995. In 2001 he won George C. Challis Award of the University of Florida for contributions to biostatistics. Senn's previous two books are Statistical Issues in Drug Development (Wiley, 1997) and Cross-over Trials in Clinical Research (Wiley, 1993). He is the member of seven editorial boards including Statistics in Medicine and Pharmaceutical Statistics.