Author: Caroline Janney
Edition: 7
Publisher: T J Designs
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0939287129
Calculation Of Drug Dosages
Textbook/workbook on administering and calculating drug dosages. Medical books Calculation Of Drug Dosages. For nursing students. Includes tips, geriatric drug calculations, sample situations, a chapter on dimensional analysis, color drug labels, pediatric chapter, chapter on heparin, insulin, IV and critical care, and more. Previous edition: c1996. Full-color illustrations Medical books Calculation Of Drug Dosages: A Work Text, 8e, Ogden Rn Msn, Sheila J., Good Boo. payment | shipping rates | returns Calculation of Drug Dosages: A Work Text, 8e Product Category :Books ISBN :032304588X Title :Calculation of Drug Dosages: A Work Text, 8e EAN :9780323045889 Authors :Ogden RN MSN, Sheila J.Binding :Paperback Publisher :Mosby Publication Date :2007-03-30 Pages :608 Signed :False First Edition :False Dust Jacket :False List Price (MSRP) :65.95 Height :0.7000 inches Width :8.5000 inches Length :10.7000 inches Weight :2.9500 pounds Condition :Good Our goal with ev

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payment | shipping rates | returns Calculation of Drug Dosages: A Work Text, 8e Product Category :Books ISBN :032304588X Title :Calculation of Drug Dosages: A Work Text, 8e EAN :9780323045889 Authors :Ogden RN MSN, Sheila J.Binding :Paperback Publisher :Mosby Publication Date :2007-03-30 Pages :608 Signed :False First Edition :False Dust Jacket :False List Price (MSRP) :65.95 Height :0.7000 inches Width :8.5000 inches Length :10.7000 inches Weight :2.9500 pounds Condition :Good Our goal with ev
Calculation of Drug Dosages: A Work Text
author sheila j ogden format paperback language english publication year 12 04 2011 subject medicine subject 2 medical nursing ancillary services calculation of drug dosages a work text by sheila j ogden linda fluharty published by mosby elsevier health sciences not quite what you re looking for see more books in other free uk delivery on everything not even the right subject see books in arts design and entertainment business and commerce computing and it history and topography language and lin
This is a Pageburst digital textbook; Master the critical skills necessary to competently and confidently calculate drug dosages using Calculation of Drug Dosages. Written by Sheila J. Ogden, MSN, RN and Linda Fluharty, RNC, MSN, this updated 9th Edition provides you with an extensive review of essential math concepts before introducing and clearly explaining the ratio and proportion, formula, and dimensional analysis methods of drug calculation. The books popular worktext format builds on concepts as you go and reinforces what you learn with over 1800 practice problems.
Medical Book Calculation Of Drug Dosages
For nursing students. Includes tips, geriatric drug calculations, sample situations, a chapter on dimensional analysis, color drug labels, pediatric chapter, chapter on heparin, insulin, IV and critical care, and more. Previous edition: c1996. Full-color illustrations. Softcover.