Author: Nicola Thomas
Edition: 2
Publisher: Bailliere Tindall
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0702026425
Renal Nursing
Offering a comprehensive and up-to-date perspective in this specialized field, Renal Nursing, 2nd Edition provides full coverage of all aspects of acute and chronic renal failure, including dialysis, transplantation, investigations, dietary management, children with renal problems, and community nursing. Medical books Renal Nursing. Medical books Principles and Practice of Renal Nursing. Categories: Hemodialysis, Peritoneal dialysis->Nursing, Chronic renal failure->Nursing. Contributors: Paul Challinor - Author. Format: Paperback

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Categories: Hemodialysis, Peritoneal dialysis->Nursing, Chronic renal failure->Nursing. Contributors: Paul Challinor - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Hemodialysis, Peritoneal dialysis->Nursing, Chronic renal failure->Nursing. Contributors: Paul Challinor - Author. Format: Paperback
Basic Button Keychain. Renal Nurse Gifts, Stick person design, "Your kidneys matter", t-shirts, mugs, tote bags, hats, buttons, stickers,
Principles and Practice of Renal Nursing - Paul Challinor - Paperback - ILLUSTRATE, ISBN-13: 9780748733316, ISBN-10: 0748733310
Medical Book Renal Nursing
It examines essential anatomy, physiology, and psychology, cross-referencing between chapters and concluding with a handy, quick-reference appendix on drugs used in renal failure. Each chapter demonstrates the most effective, up-to-date skills and procedures that are key to providing quality nursing care, support, and treatment of patients. Numerous illustrations and a section of full-color photographs complement the text and highlight must-know concepts.