Author: Richard Gwyn
Edition: 1
Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0761964754
Communicating Health and Illness
In this book Richard Gwyn demonstrates the centrality of discourse analysis to an understanding of health and communication. Medical books Communicating Health and Illness. Medical books Communicating Health and Illness. Categories: Communication in medicine, Linguistics, Health promotion. Contributors: Gwyn Richard - Author. Format: NOOK Study
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Categories: Communication in medicine, Linguistics, Health promotion. Contributors: Gwyn Richard - Author. Format: NOOK Study
Richard Gwyn demonstrates the centrality of discourse analysis to an understanding of health and communication. Focusing on language and communication issues he shows that it is possible to observe and analyze patterns in the ways in which health and illness are represented and articulated by both health professionals and lay people. Author: Gwyn, Richard ISBN-10: 0761964746
Sage Publications (CA) 9780761964759 Communicating Health and Illness Description In this book Richard Gwyn demonstrates the centrality of discourse analysis to an understanding of health and communication. Focusing on language and communication issues he demonstrates that it is possible to observe and analyze patterns in the ways in which health and illness are represented and articulated by both health professionals and lay people. Communicating Health and Illness: . Explores culturally valid
author richard gwyn format paperback language english publication year 05 09 2000 subject social sciences subject 2 sociology anthropology professional book details title communicating health and illness item condition used item in a good condition author richard gwyn isbn 10 0761964754 publisher sage publications ltd isbn 13 9780761964759 published on 2001 10 08 sku awe 9780761964759 binding paperback language english edition list price 26 99 description at awesomebooks we believe that good qua
Medical Book Communicating Health and Illness
Focusing on language and communication issues he demonstrates that it is possible to observe and analyze patterns in the ways in which health and illness are represented and articulated by both health professionals and lay people.
Communicating Health and Illness:
· Explores culturally validated notions of health and sickness and the medicalization of illness
· Surveys media representations of health and illness
· Considers the metaphoric nature of talk about illness
· Contributes to the ongoing debate in relation to narrative based medicine