Edition: 1
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0826171117
Caring in Nursing Classics: An Essential Resource
"This collected work by scholars Smith, Turkel, and Wolf stands as a classic indeed. Medical books Caring in Nursing Classics. It offers nursing and related fields a repository and living history of the evolution of nursing within a caring science paradigm over a 40-year span from foundational ideas and developments, to current work in education, research, and institutional/community practices of caring [The work] sustains and advances knowledge of human caring to serve humanity."
From the Foreword by Jean Watson, PhD, RN, AHN- BC, FAAN
Founder, Watson Caring Science Institute
This is a core resource for nursing educators and students at all levels who seek fundamental perspectives on the art and science of caring. The text comprises 37 classic book chapters and journal articles written by leaders in the field and illuminate the evolution of the caring paradigm—from its beginnings as a philosophical/ethical/theoretical guide to nursing, to implications for the future development of caring science. Co-published with the Watson Caring Science Institute (WCSI), it will also be a primary resource for students attending WCSI programs and for in-service education programs, especially in hospitals with, or seeking, Magnet status Medical books Caring in Nursing Classics: An Essential Resource, 9780826171115. Caring in Nursing Classics: An Essential Resource, ISBN-13: 9780826171115, ISBN-10: 0826171117
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From the Foreword by Jean Watson , phd, RN, ahn- BC, faan
Founder, Watson Caring Science Institute
This is a core resource for nursing educators and student
Medical Book Caring in Nursing Classics
It offers nursing and related fields a repository and living history of the evolution of nursing within a caring science paradigm over a 40-year span from foundational ideas and developments, to current work in education, research, and institutional/community practices of caring [The work] sustains and advances knowledge of human caring to serve humanity."
From the Foreword by Jean Watson, PhD, RN, AHN- BC, FAAN
Founder, Watson Caring Science Institute
This is a core resource for nursing educators and students at all levels who seek fundamental perspectives on the art and science of caring. The text comprises 37 classic book chapters and journal articles written by leaders in the field and illuminate the evolution of the caring paradigm—from its beginnings as a philosophical/ethical/theoretical guide to nursing, to implications for the future development of caring science. Co-published with the Watson Caring Science Institute (WCSI), it will also be a primary resource for students attending WCSI programs and for in-service education programs, especially in hospitals with, or seeking, Magnet status. Each section features an introductory essay illuminating important concepts, followed by reflective questions appropriate for baccalaureate, master's, and doctoral levels. Also included are multiple-choice questions, a variety of case studies, a digital teacher and student resource with PowerPoints for key ideas, and more.
The book is organized into nine sections providing an in-depth analysis of the evolution of caring scholarship; systematic reviews of the concept of caring; theoretical perspectives, including conceptual orientations, middle-range theories, and grand theories; seminal research studies; research designs and methods; practice models for the integration of caring within contemporary hospital-based practice environments; caring in communities and for the environment; leadership and administrative issues with a focus on caring and economics; and the future of caring science.
Key Features:- Presents the seminal literature on caring
- Co-published with the Watson Caring Science Institute
- Provides reflective/critical thinking questions tailored to academic levels
- For use in baccalaureate, graduate, doctoral, and in-service education, and as a core resource for WCSI programs
- Is accompanied by a digital teacher and student guide (please contact to request this content)