Author: Kathleen Schreiner
Edition: 1 Pap/Psc
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0781775523
Medical Assisting Made Incredibly Easy: Therapeutic Communications
This volume of the Medical Assisting Made Incredibly Easy series presents the basic principles of effective communication in a light-hearted, humorous, engaging, relevant, and enjoyable style. Medical books Medical Assisting Made Incredibly Easy. A host character guides students through key points and clarifies difficult concepts. Boxes with eye-catching icons provide practical advice about difficult workplace scenarios, patient education, legal and ethical issues, and other topics. Other features include realistic, challenging situations with critical thinking questions; examples of effective and ineffective dialogue; suggested individual and small group learning activities; and lists of ABHES and CAAHEP competencies covered in each chapter.
A free Instructor's Resource CD-ROM and online instructor resources are available to instructors who adopt the text Medical books Medical Assisting Made Incredibly Easy: Law and Ethics. Trade paperback (US). 291 p. Medical Assisting Made Incredibly Easy.. 141. Intended for professional and scholarly audience.
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Medical Book Medical Assisting Made Incredibly Easy
A host character guides students through key points and clarifies difficult concepts. Boxes with eye-catching icons provide practical advice about difficult workplace scenarios, patient education, legal and ethical issues, and other topics. Other features include realistic, challenging situations with critical thinking questions; examples of effective and ineffective dialogue; suggested individual and small group learning activities; and lists of ABHES and CAAHEP competencies covered in each chapter.
A free Instructor's Resource CD-ROM and online instructor resources are available to instructors who adopt the text. LiveAdvise tutoring is also included.
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