Author: Nigel Wiseman
Edition: 2nd
Publisher: Paradigm Pubns
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0912111542
A Practical Dictionary of Chinese Medicine
The only book of its kind in the English language. Medical books A Practical Dictionary of Chinese Medicine. Medical books A Practical Dictionary of Chinese Medicine.

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A Practical Chinese-English Dictionary of Acupuncture-Moxibustion --- Chinese-English --- Basic Facts: Ü Title: A Practical Chinese-English Dictionary of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Ü Author: Gao Xiyan, Rao Hong; Ü ISBN:7-5067-2710-2 Ü 1st edition in 2004, 1st printing in 2004 Ü Publishing house: China Medical Science Press Ü Size: 5.75"x8.25"; PP:447; Hardcover; Ü Language: Chinese-English Brief Description: Ü The dictionary collects more than 2000 entries including channels and collatera
(back cover) Available in: ARABIC a[ CHINESE a[ FRENCH a[ GERMAN a[ ITALIAN a[ JAPANESE a[ RUSSIAN a[ SPANISH a[ ENGLISH FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS a[ ENGLISH FOR RUSSIAN SPEAKERS Itas easy...Itas practical...Itas fun! In just minutes a day, youall pick up the language you need for most everyday situationsafrom meeting and greeting people to asking directions and handling simple business transactions. Youall learn the basic vocabulary for: introductions a[ finding your way a[ entertainment a[ dining a[ shopping a[ banking a[ using the telephone and mail services a[ medical help and emergencies Plus:
Medical Book A Practical Dictionary of Chinese Medicine
- Nearly 6,000 Chinese medical terms that are commonly used in Chinese-language professional literature.
- All entries are given in English and Chinese (in modern PRC simplified characters) with tone-marked Pinyin transcriptions.
- Clear, concise definitions compiled from cited authoritative Chinese sources.
- A wealth of useful clinical information including diagnostic and therapeutic protocols.
- A 200-page index comprising: Pinyin with Chinese for all entries. All medicinals, formulas, and point names appearing in the text, and a ll Western medical correspondences appearing in the text.