Edition: 1997
Publisher: Springer
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0387982221
Linear Mixed Models in Practice: A SAS-Oriented Approach (Lecture Notes in Statistics)
A comprehensive treatment of linear mixed models, focusing on examples from designed experiments and longitudinal studies. Medical books Linear Mixed Models in Practice. Aimed at applied statisticians and biomedical researchers in industry, public health organisations, contract research organisations, and academia, this book is explanatory rather than mathematical rigorous Medical books Linear Mixed Models in Practice: A SAS-Oriented Approach (1997. Linear Mixed Models in Practice: A SAS-Oriented Approach (1997 Edition) by Verbeke, Geert/ Verbeke, Geert/ Molenberghs, Geert [Paperback]

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Linear Mixed Models in Practice: A SAS-Oriented Approach (1997 Edition) by Verbeke, Geert/ Verbeke, Geert/ Molenberghs, Geert [Paperback]
Categories: Linear models (Statistics), Longitudinal method. Contributors: Geert Verbeke - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Linear models (Statistics), Longitudinal method, Linear models (Statistics. Contributors: Geert Verbeke - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Linear models (Statistics), Longitudinal method. Contributors: Geert Verbeke - Author. Format: Paperback
Medical Book Linear Mixed Models in Practice
Aimed at applied statisticians and biomedical researchers in industry, public health organisations, contract research organisations, and academia, this book is explanatory rather than mathematical rigorous. Although most analyses were done with the MIXED procedure of the SAS software package, and many of its features are clearly elucidated, considerable effort was put into presenting the data analyses in a software-independent fashion.