Author: Matthew Barnard
Edition: 1
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0199209103
Cardiac Anaesthesia (Oxford Specialist Handbooks)
The Oxford Specialist Handbook series provides readers with clear, concise information on all that is needed to successfully train in the medical sub-specialties. Medical books Cardiac Anaesthesia . Each book is designed to give an overview of clearly defined procedures, skills, guidelines, and technologies, and provide practical tips and case studies to supplement hands-on experience.
This book provides accessible, clear guidelines on cardiac anaesthesia. It is divided into three distinct sections. The first section covers the scientific basis of cardiac anaesthesia: anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pharmacology Medical books Core Topics In Cardiac Anaesthesia Ebook. Since the publication of the first edition of Core Topics in Cardiac Anaesthesia, the clinical landscape has undergone significant change. Recent developments include the increased use of electrophysiology, the resurgence of primary percutaneous intervention in acute coronary syndromes, the use of percutaneous devices in patients previously considered inoperable, and the withdrawal of aprotinin. Against this landscape, this invaluable resource has been fully updated. New chapters are dedicated to right heart valves, pulmonary vascular disease, cardiac tumours and cardiac trauma. All other chapters have been updated according to the latest international guidelines. Written and edited by an international author team with a wealth of expertise in all aspects of the perioperative care of cardiac patients, topics are presented in an easy to digest and a readily accessible manner. Core Topics in Cardiac Anaesthesia, Second Edition is essential reading for residents and fellows in anaesthesia and cardiac surgery and clinical perfusionists.

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Since the publication of the first edition of Core Topics in Cardiac Anaesthesia, the clinical landscape has undergone significant change. Recent developments include the increased use of electrophysiology, the resurgence of primary percutaneous intervention in acute coronary syndromes, the use of percutaneous devices in patients previously considered inoperable, and the withdrawal of aprotinin. Against this landscape, this invaluable resource has been fully updated. New chapters are dedicated to right heart valves, pulmonary vascular disease, cardiac tumours and cardiac trauma. All other chap
Core Topics in Cardiac Anaesthesia, Second Edition is a comprehensive and practical clinical text reviewing all aspects of the pre-, intra- and post-operative care of cardiac patients. This fully updated new edition is essential reading for residents and fellows in anaesthesia and cardiac surgery, clinical perfusionists and critical care nurses.
Cardiac Anaesthesia : Paperback : Oxford University Press : 9780199209101 : 0199209103 : 10 Sep 2010 : This book provides accessible, clear guidelines on cardiac anaesthesia, covering the scientific basis of cardiac anaesthesia, clinical practice, and the implications of cardiac surgery on the major organ systems with an emphasis on post-operative sequelae.
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Medical Book Cardiac Anaesthesia
Each book is designed to give an overview of clearly defined procedures, skills, guidelines, and technologies, and provide practical tips and case studies to supplement hands-on experience.
This book provides accessible, clear guidelines on cardiac anaesthesia. It is divided into three distinct sections. The first section covers the scientific basis of cardiac anaesthesia: anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pharmacology. The second section is organized by organ system. It includes all of the implications of cardiac surgery for the major organ systems while emphasizing post-operative sequelae. The aim is to avoid repetition by incorporating within each organ topic the information which is common to different groups of patients or types of surgery. Diverse topics are linked together in a rational and logical way by linking them to the underlying organ system. The third section covers clinical practice and is organized by the type of surgery or surgical condition. This facilitates rapid and easy access to clinical management plans for any particular type of patient.