Author: Thomson Healthcare
Edition: 112
Publisher: Thomson Healthcare
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1563636719
Red Book, 2008 (Red Book Drug Topics)
Pharmacy's Fundamental Reference
The new 2008 RED BOOK not only brings you the latest pricing and product information on over 160,000 prescription and over-the-counter items, but there s also a complete list of newly FDA-approved brands, generics, and biologics. Medical books Red Book, 2008 . Medical books Red Book 2008. Categories: Catalogs, Drug. Contributors: Thomson Healthcare Staff - Author. Format: Paperback

Download link for Red Book 2008: Pharmacy's Fundamental Reference Pdr Staff (editor)
Categories: Catalogs, Drug. Contributors: Thomson Healthcare Staff - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Catalogs, Drug. Contributors: Thomson Healthcare Staff - Author. Format: Paperback
New Paperback.
by Medical econ - Thomson Healthcare (2008) - Paperback - ISBN 1563636719 9781563636714
Medical Book Red Book, 2008
New products, new prices, essential information the latest, most accurate information all in one convenient resource.
You ll also find:
Over 50,000 price updates since last year
Over 25,000 new NDCs added
Separate Rx and OTC sections
Generic and brand-name cross referencing
Nationally recognized Average Wholesale Price (AWP), Direct Prices, and Federal Upper Limit prices for prescription drugs
Complete package information including dosage form, strength, size, and route of administration a plus for ordering and/or restocking
NDC numbers for FDA-approved products
Suggested retail prices for OTC products
Orange Book codes FDA s Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalent Evaluations