Author: Milton I. Roemer
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0195053206
National Health Systems of the World: Volume I: Countries
This pioneering work is the first comprehensive account of national health systems throughout the world today. Medical books National Health Systems of the World: Volume I. The author analyzes the organization, financing, management, and delivery of health services in 68 countries with widely diverse levels of economic development and political ideology. Topics examined include system planning, manpower development, hospital operations, health insurance, cost containment, prevention programs, quality controls, primary care, regionalization, privatization, and more. The work clarifies the similarities and differences with which nations have responded to the health and medical needs of their people, offering historical backgrounds and explanations of the current dynamics prevailing in each country. It will enable the health problems of any single country to be understood with a fresh perspective provided by the strategies used elsewhere to cope with similar situations Medical books National Health Systems of the World: Volume I: Countries.

Download link for National Health Systems Of The World: Volume 2: The Issues Milton I. R. Hardback
This is Volume II of the comprehensive review of national health systems of the world presented in Volume I. In that volume, the author analyzed the organization, financing, management, and delivery of health services in 68 countries at diverse levels of economic development and political ideology. In Volume II, the principal issues in health systems across countries are examined. The issues are categorized according to the several components by which national health systems may be analyzed. They include such issues as the role of traditional healers, the scope of Ministries of Health, Social
Volume II of this work is the complement to Volume I. The first volume analyzes the national health systems of countries of three economic levels.Volume II examines issues or components of health systems across countries. Selection of these issues has been based on the general model of a health system employed in Volume I. This consists of an interlocking framework of five major components: 1) production of resources, 2) organization of programs, 3) economic support, 4) system management, and 5) delivery of services. Subdivisions of these major components define the issues that are explored in
Hardcover book, 688 pages. Published by Oxford University Press, USA
Medical Book National Health Systems of the World: Volume I
The author analyzes the organization, financing, management, and delivery of health services in 68 countries with widely diverse levels of economic development and political ideology. Topics examined include system planning, manpower development, hospital operations, health insurance, cost containment, prevention programs, quality controls, primary care, regionalization, privatization, and more. The work clarifies the similarities and differences with which nations have responded to the health and medical needs of their people, offering historical backgrounds and explanations of the current dynamics prevailing in each country. It will enable the health problems of any single country to be understood with a fresh perspective provided by the strategies used elsewhere to cope with similar situations. This in-depth study is the product of a uniquely rich research career and represents the author's first-hand experience working in the great majority of the countries described. Volume II, scheduled for publication in 1993, will analyze health system components and issues.