Author: Lauren K. Nelson
Edition: 1
Publisher: Plural Publishing Inc
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1597562467
Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders: Methods for Systematic Inquiry
A new book which, essentially, arose from the author s inability as an instructor to find a textbook that fully met her needs or the needs of her students! Overly comprehensive texts generate blank faces and overly concise texts fail to fully meet the need for an effective depth of learning. Medical books Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders. This new text achieves a great balance between the depth of coverage and readability, but balance is not the only reason this book is needed. Reflecting the movement toward evidence based practice in audiology and speech-language pathology, the author has ensured that the concepts associated with evidence based practice are integrated throughout the various chapters (not just added as a separate chapter or course segment). Also included are features that help students in being more active in learning the material. Each chapter has a set of review questions or case scenarios that can be used as homework, as probe questions in class, or as group activities Medical books Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders : Methods-Applications-Evaluations. Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders : Methods-Applications-Evaluations, ISBN-13: 9780131837744, ISBN-10: 0131837745

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Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders : Methods-Applications-Evaluations, ISBN-13: 9780131837744, ISBN-10: 0131837745
Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders
Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders Methods -- Applications -- Evaluation, ISBN-13: 9780131837744, ISBN-10: 0131837745
author lauren k nelson format paperback language english publication year 01 11 2008 subject medicine subject 2 medicine textbooks study guides title research in communication sciences and disorders methods for systematic injury author nelson lauren k publisher plural pub inc publication date nov 01 2008 pages 222 binding paperback edition 1 st dimensions 6 75 wx 9 75 hx 0 50 d isbn 1597562467 subject medical research description through years of experience teaching research courses for gradua
Medical Book Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders
This new text achieves a great balance between the depth of coverage and readability, but balance is not the only reason this book is needed. Reflecting the movement toward evidence based practice in audiology and speech-language pathology, the author has ensured that the concepts associated with evidence based practice are integrated throughout the various chapters (not just added as a separate chapter or course segment). Also included are features that help students in being more active in learning the material. Each chapter has a set of review questions or case scenarios that can be used as homework, as probe questions in class, or as group activities. Importantly, the author has included lists of supplemental readings from the research literature in the field.