Author: Kathleen Jo Gutierrez PhD RN BC-ANP BC-CNS
Edition: Stg
Publisher: Mosby
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0323019323
Study Guide to Accompany Pharmacology for Nursing Practice
This outstanding Study Guide by Gutierrez/Mulhall includes crossword puzzles, anagrams, true or false exercises, completion items, matching exercises, mnemonics, point-counterpoint, thoughts in action, case studies, and activities. Medical books Study Guide to Accompany Pharmacology for Nursing Practice. Medical books Study Guide To Accompany Pharmacology For Nursing Practice. New Paperback.

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New Paperback.
Author: Gutierrez, Kathleen, Mulhall, Margaret ISBN-10: 0323019323
Complex pharmacologic information is simple to learn with this complete study resource! Designed to accompany Pharmacology for Nursing Care, critical thinking study questions, case studies, and patient teaching scenarios connect pharmacology concepts with their impact on patient care. Plus, an emphasis on priority nursing care with NCLEX examination-style review questions prepares you for success on the exam. An emphasis on the key information that nursing students need to know NCLEX Examination-style questions for each chapter in a variety of study/review formats Case Study scenarios provide
Master the content from the Lilley textbook with the Study Guide for Pharmacology and the Nursing Process, 6th Edition! Designed to accompany Lilley's Pharmacology and the Nursing Process, 6th Edition, this workbook will assist you in understanding and applying material from each chapter in the text. The review questions prepare you for success in pharmacology and on the NCLEX Examination. Worksheets for each chapter include multiple-choice questions, critical thinking and application questions, case studies, and other educationally sound learning activities. Worksheets for each chapter includ
Medical Book Study Guide to Accompany Pharmacology for Nursing Practice