Author: Janet Weber
Publisher: C.V. Mosby
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0944132936
Nursing Diagnosis Cards
These new cards present all 106 nursing diagnoses based upon the current NANDA (North American Nursing Diagnoses Association) list. Medical books Nursing Diagnosis Cards. Medical books Sparks and Taylor's Nursing Diagnosis Cards , 9781582558943. Sparks and Taylor's Nursing Diagnosis Cards , ISBN-13: 9781582558943, ISBN-10: 1582558949

Download link for Nursing Diagnosis Cards - Sheila Sparks Ralph Cynthia M. Taylor (paperback)
Sparks and Taylor's Nursing Diagnosis Cards , ISBN-13: 9781582558943, ISBN-10: 1582558949
Nursing Diagnosis Cards
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Nursing Diagnosis Cards by Cynthia M. Taylor, Sheila M. Sparks Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Condition Brand New The Eleventh Edition of Nursing Diagnosis Cards includes complete care plans for every NANDA-approved nursing diagnosis, including those approved at the April 2004 conference. Featuring an easy-to-follow, practical format, the card deck spotlights well over 200 care plans in all. Publisher Description The Eleventh Edition of N
by Sheila M. Sparks and Cynthia M. Taylor - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2006) - Box - ISBN 1582558949 9781582558943
Medical Book Nursing Diagnosis Cards
Developed by two recognized experts in nursing diagnosis, the cards include related factors, defining characteristics and interventions for each diagnosis. All interventions are enhanced with rationale for the nursing actions. 300 cards.