Author: Linda D. Urden DNSc RN CNS NE-BC FAAN
Edition: 4
Publisher: Mosby
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0323014615
Thelan's Critical Care Nursing: Diagnosis and Management, 4e
The thoroughly revised and updated edition of this classic provides a comprehensive, modern discussion of critical care nursing. Medical books Thelan's Critical Care Nursing. Thelan's opening chapters address trends, pressing issues, and recent advances affecting the critical care student and nurse from ethics to pain management to caring for special populations. The remaining clinical units address alterations in the body's systems. Every body system unit covers Anatomy and Physiology, Clinical Assessment, Diagnostic Procedures, Disorders, and Therapeutic Management. Important updates include a new unit of prepared, detailed care plans; an updated pain management chapter; Nursing Diagnoses boxes featuring at-a-glance NANDA-approved diagnoses, and a new MERLIN website with online Study Guide and useful links for further study Medical books Thelan's Critical Care Nursing : Diagnosis and Management. by Linda D. Urden, Kathleen M. Stacy and Mary E. Lough - Elsevier Science (2002) - Hardback - ISBN 0323014615 9780323014618

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by Linda D. Urden, Kathleen M. Stacy and Mary E. Lough - Elsevier Science (2002) - Hardback - ISBN 0323014615 9780323014618
Thelan's Critical Care Nursing Diagnosis And Management, ISBN-13: 9780323032483, ISBN-10: 0323032486
presents ... Thelans Critical Care Nursing: Diagnosis and Management by U ISBN: 0323032486 Author: Urden DNSc RN CNS NE-BC FAAN, Linda D.; Stacy PhD RN CNS CCRN PCCN CCNS, Kathleen M.; Lough PhD RN CNS CCRN CNRN CCNS, Mary E. Publisher: Mosby Release Date: 2005-11-11 Seller Category: -- Qty Available: 1 Condition: Used: Very Good Sku: 90298 Notes: Choose Expedited Shipping for fastest delivery! Free USPS Tracking Number. Used texts may NOT contain supplemental materials such as CD's, info-trac,
author kathleen m stacy author linda d urden author mary e lough format hardback language english publication year 30 12 2005 subject medicine subject 2 medical nursing ancillary services thelan s critical care nursing diagnosis and management isbn 9780323032483 title thelan s critical care nursing diagnosis and management authors linda d urden dnsc rn cns ne bc faan kathleen m stacy phd c rn cns ccrn pccn ccns mary binding hardcover publisher mosby publication date nov 11 2005 edition condition
Medical Book Thelan's Critical Care Nursing
Thelan's opening chapters address trends, pressing issues, and recent advances affecting the critical care student and nurse from ethics to pain management to caring for special populations. The remaining clinical units address alterations in the body's systems. Every body system unit covers Anatomy and Physiology, Clinical Assessment, Diagnostic Procedures, Disorders, and Therapeutic Management. Important updates include a new unit of prepared, detailed care plans; an updated pain management chapter; Nursing Diagnoses boxes featuring at-a-glance NANDA-approved diagnoses, and a new MERLIN website with online Study Guide and useful links for further study.
(Includes a FREE online Study Guide and MERLIN website.)