Author: et al Leigh Tooth
Edition: 1
Publisher: Plural Publishing
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1597561037
Client Education: A Partnership Approach for Health Professionals
This new resource provides an overview of the theory and practice of client education and highlights its critical role in all areas of health care. Medical books Client Education. Client education stresses a patient-centered, partnership approach that encourages clients to participate in their own health care. This approach ensures that relevant, timely and tailored education is provided to meet client needs and abilities. Chapters discuss the theory and techniques of client education as well as the evidence for its effectiveness in terms of a number of client outcomes. The book then addresses the application of those techniques, looking at specific client populations and providing practical ideas and advice about how education can be appropriately designed and delivered Medical books Client Education: Theory And Practice. Categories: Patient education. Contributors: Mary A. Miller - Author. Format: Paperback

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Categories: Patient education. Contributors: Mary A. Miller - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Health education, Patient education, Health education. Contributors: Kryss McKenna - Editor. Format: Paperback
Categories: Health education, Patient education, Health education. Contributors: Kryss McKenna - Editor. Format: Paperback
Categories: Patient education. Contributors: Mary A. Miller - Author. Format: Paperback
Medical Book Client Education
Client education stresses a patient-centered, partnership approach that encourages clients to participate in their own health care. This approach ensures that relevant, timely and tailored education is provided to meet client needs and abilities. Chapters discuss the theory and techniques of client education as well as the evidence for its effectiveness in terms of a number of client outcomes. The book then addresses the application of those techniques, looking at specific client populations and providing practical ideas and advice about how education can be appropriately designed and delivered. Details, including concise lists, summaries and key points, enhance accessibility. Throughout, the text is illuminated with practical examples, by way of case descriptions of specific educational interventions. Also featured is a valuable description of two clients’ perspectives on the client education process.