Author: Stephanie Cave
Edition: Rev Upd
Publisher: Grand Central Life & Style
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0446555711
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About(TM) Children's Vaccinations
This is an essential guide for parents about vaccinations. Medical books What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About. Dr Medical books What Your Doctor May Not Tell You about Heart Disease. Coronary heart disease has long been the number one killer in this country, and for decades, we have been told about five basic risk factors: elevated cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and smoking. But the truth is that heart disease is much more complex-- with close to 400 risk factors In this innovative guide, Dr. Mark Houston helps readers discover the causes of heart disease, how to prevent and treat its debilitating effects via nutrition, nutritional supplements, exercise, weight management, and lays to rest to various myths (cholesterol is not the primary cause) based on scientific studies and medical publications. Readers will also learn how to indentify the risk factors most likely to endager them and construct an arsenal of non-pharmacological preventitive strategies that can counteract this most deadly disease.

Download link for More Harm Than Good: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Common Treatments and Procedures
Coronary heart disease has long been the number one killer in this country, and for decades, we have been told about five basic risk factors: elevated cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and smoking. But the truth is that heart disease is much more complex-- with close to 400 risk factors In this innovative guide, Dr. Mark Houston helps readers discover the causes of heart disease, how to prevent and treat its debilitating effects via nutrition, nutritional supplements, exercise, weight management, and lays to rest to various myths (cholesterol is not the primary cause) based
Little, Brown & Company | 2003 | 368 pages | ISBN-13: 9780446679244 | ISBN-10: 0446679240 | You save 30%
Categories: Hypertension->Popular works. Contributors: Mark Houston - Author. Format: Paperback
This is an essential guide for parents about vaccinations. Dr. Stephanie Cave explains their pros and cons and the book provides information to help parents make a knowledgeable, responsible choice about vaccinating their children.
Medical Book What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About
Dr. Stephanie Cave explains their pros and cons and the book provides information to help parents make a knowledgeable, responsible choice about vaccinating their children.