Author: Ron Waksman
Edition: 1
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 144433462X
Bifurcation Stenting
Here is expert guidance on one of the most vexing clinical challenges faced by interventional cardiologists. Medical books Bifurcation Stenting. Written by global thought leaders in the area and edited by two internationally-recognized pioneers in interventional cardiology, Bifurcation Stenting covers all techniques, imaging modalities, and devices in current use, including VH-IVUS and OCT Medical books Bifurcation Stenting. "Here is expert guidance on one of the most vexing clinical challenges faced by interventional cardiologists. Written by global thought leaders in the area and edited by two internationally-recognized pioneers in interventional cardiology, Bifurcation Stenting covers all techniques, imaging modalities, and devices in current use, including VH-IVUS and OCT. It includes practical tips/tricks from leading experts and a section of challenging cases to further illustrate the material and help readers better understand the treatment of bifurcation lesions.File Size: 6144 KBPrint Length: 212 pagesPublisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition (March 22, 2012) Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.Language: EnglishASIN: B007ODNO9U"

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"Here is expert guidance on one of the most vexing clinical challenges faced by interventional cardiologists. Written by global thought leaders in the area and edited by two internationally-recognized pioneers in interventional cardiology, Bifurcation Stenting covers all techniques, imaging modalities, and devices in current use, including VH-IVUS and OCT. It includes practical tips/tricks from leading experts and a section of challenging cases to further illustrate the material and help readers better understand the treatment of bifurcation lesions.File Size: 6144 KBPrint Length: 212 pagesPub
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Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Bifurcation Stenting by Ron Waksman, John A. Ormiston Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Hardcover Condition Brand New Here is expert guidance on one of the most vexing clinical challenges faced by interventional cardiologists. Publisher Description Here is expert guidance on one of the most vexing clinical challenges faced by interventional cardiologists. Written by global thought leaders in the area and edited by two internationally-recogni
"Here is expert guidance on one of the most vexing clinical challenges faced by interventional cardiologists. Written by global thought leaders in the area and edited by two internationally-recognized pioneers in interventional cardiology, Bifurcation Stenting covers all techniques, imaging modalities, and devices in current use, including VH-IVUS and OCT. It includes practical tips/tricks from leading experts and a section of challenging cases to further illustrate the material and help readers better understand the treatment of bifurcation lesions.File Size: 6144 KBPrint Length: 212 pagesPub
Medical Book Bifurcation Stenting
Written by global thought leaders in the area and edited by two internationally-recognized pioneers in interventional cardiology, Bifurcation Stenting covers all techniques, imaging modalities, and devices in current use, including VH-IVUS and OCT. It includes practical tips/tricks from leading experts and a section of challenging cases to further illustrate the material and help readers better understand the treatment of bifurcation lesions.