Author: Nicola Thomas
Edition: 3
Publisher: Bailliere Tindall
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0702028398
Renal Nursing, 3e
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. Medical books Renal Nursing, 3e. Medical books Child Health Nursing (3rd Edit. "PEARSON REVIEWS & RATIONALES: CHILD HEALTH NURSING WITH NURSING REVIEWS & RATIONALES, 3/e" provides a clear, concentrated, and up-to-date review of today's "need to know" knowledge for effective child health nursing. Developed and reviewed by a large team of nurse educators, it can be used by current nursing students as a study aid, for NCLEX-RN(R) exam preparation, or by practicing nurses seeking comprehensive yet concise review of this discipline. Fully reflective of the current (2010) NCLEX-RN(R) Test Plan, it covers pediatric growth and development, and care of children with respiratory, cardiac, neurological, renal, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, and other health problems. A final chapter focuses on special situations, including autism, child abuse, poisoning, and suicide. This text's complete support package includes access to additional questions and the complete eText online, and a tear-out NursingNotes card for clinical reference and quick review. Hundreds of practice questions in the book and online at help students measure their readiness for the NCLEX-RN(R). In addition, you can access an eText version of this book on this website. *Author: Hogan, MaryAnn/ White, Judy/ Wagner, Nancy H. *Series Title: Pearson Reviews & Rationales *Binding Type: Paperback *Number of Pages: 371 *Publication Date: 2012/02/27 *Language: English *Dimensions: 9.80 x 7.90 x 0.80 inches

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"PEARSON REVIEWS & RATIONALES: CHILD HEALTH NURSING WITH NURSING REVIEWS & RATIONALES, 3/e" provides a clear, concentrated, and up-to-date review of today's "need to know" knowledge for effective child health nursing. Developed and reviewed by a large team of nurse educators, it can be used by current nursing students as a study aid, for NCLEX-RN(R) exam preparation, or by practicing nurses seeking comprehensive yet concise review of this discipline. Fully reflective of the current (2010) NCLEX-RN(R) Test Plan, it covers pediatric growth and development, and care of children with respiratory,
PEARSON REVIEWS & RATIONALES: CHILD HEALTH NURSING WITH NURSING REVIEWS & RATIONALES, 3/e provides a clear, concentrated, and up-to-date review of todays need to know knowledge for effective child health nursing. Developed and reviewed by a large team of nurse educators, it can be used by current nursing students as a study aid, for NCLEX-RN exam preparation, or by practicing nurses seeking comprehensive yet concise review of this discipline. Fully reflective of the current (2010) NCLEX-RN Test Plan, it covers pediatric growth and development, and care of children with respiratory, cardiac, ne
A fully-revised new edition of Australia and New Zealands most highly esteemed medical-surgical nursing text.The thoroughly revised third edition of Lewiss Medical-Surgical Nursing builds on the respected quality content of its previous editions. Authored by Di Brown and Helen Edwards with contributions from an impressive pedigree of leading academics and clinical experts, this latest edition cements Lewiss position as the regions premier medical-surgical nursing textbook.Fully updated, this hardback nursing text reflects recent changes in clinical nursing practice in Australia and New Zealand
PEARSON REVIEWS & RATIONALES: PATHOPHYSIOLOGY WITH "NURSING REVIEWS & RATIONALES", 3/e provides a clear, concentrated, and up-to-date review of today's "need to know" knowledge for eunderstanding pathophysiology. Developed by Mary Ann Hogan, RN and reviewed by a large team of nurse educators, this program can be used by current nursing students as a course study aid, for NCLEX-RN® exam preparation, or by practicing nurses seeking comprehensive yet concise review of this discipline. Fully reflective of the current (2010) NCLEX-RN® Test Plan, this text presents complete chapters on respiratory
Medical Book Renal Nursing, 3e
It is a research-based guide to nursing in this field. The book covers all stages of chronic kidney disease; haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis; transplantation; investigations; nutrition; and renal care in infancy, childhood and early adolescence. The underlying anatomy, physiology and psychology are discussed in depth, along with the skills and knowledge required to provide support, treatment and high quality care.
- Comprehensive, up-to-date text which provides all that nurses need to know about renal care
- Evidence-based content ensures best practice is used throughout
- Learning outcomes and chapter summaries help to consolidate understanding
- Case studies help readers to relate theory to practice
- Content updated to reflect changes in policies, care and management
- Prevention of kidney disease
- New chapter on end-of-life care
- Updated references to reflect recent research evidence