Edition: 3
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0199638578
Cytokine Molecular Biology: A Practical Approach
Cytokine Molecular Biology concentrates on molecular biology techniques for the study of cytokines, cytokine receptors, and cytokine driven processes. Medical books Cytokine Molecular Biology. Medical books Cytokine Molecular Biology: A Practical Approach. Categories: Cytokines. Contributors: Fran Balkwill - Author. Format: Paperback

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Categories: Cytokines. Contributors: Fran Balkwill - Author. Format: Paperback
Cytokine Molecular Biology A Practical Approach, ISBN-13: 9780199638574, ISBN-10: 0199638578
format paperback language english publication year 09 11 2000 series practical approach subject mathematics sciences subject 2 life sciences general cytokine molecular biology a practical approach practical approach series 237 by fran balkwill published by not quite what you re looking for see more books in other free uk delivery on everything not even the right subject see books in arts design and entertainment business and commerce computing and it history and topography language and linguisti
New Paperback.
Medical Book Cytokine Molecular Biology
Updated topics from the previous edition are: the cloning and expressing cytokine genes;; the detection of cytokine mRNA; receptor binding studies; the PC-specific phosphslipase C and sphingomylinases. In addition, new topics covered are the purification, sequencing, and synthesis of cytokines; studying cytokine gene polymorphisms; the use of proteomics in cytokine research; and the Jak/STAT and MAPK signalling pathways. Written by experts in the field, Cytokine Molecular Biology and Cytokine Cellular Biology form a comprehensive and essential guide to cytokine research.