Author: Nancie Herbold
Edition: 1
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0763738573
Rapid Reference for Nurses: Nutrition
Fits in the palm of your hand! Includes clinical "Do's" and "Don'ts" for a variety of conditions! Portable and concise, this quick reference equips nursing students and health professionals with the facts and figures they need for clinical experiences. Medical books Rapid Reference for Nurses. Medical books Rapid Reference For Nurses: Nutrition Nancie Harvey Herbold Sari Edel. Paperback. author nancie h herbold author sari edelstein format paperback language english publication year 23 03 2007 subject medicine subject 2 medical nursing ancillary services rapid reference for nurses nutrition by nancie harvey herbold sari edelstein published by jones and bartlett publishers inc not quite what you re looking for see more books in reference works and information free uk delivery on everything not even the right subject see books in arts design and entertainment business and commerce

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author nancie h herbold author sari edelstein format paperback language english publication year 23 03 2007 subject medicine subject 2 medical nursing ancillary services rapid reference for nurses nutrition by nancie harvey herbold sari edelstein published by jones and bartlett publishers inc not quite what you re looking for see more books in reference works and information free uk delivery on everything not even the right subject see books in arts design and entertainment business and commerce
by Karren Kowalski and Patricia Yoder-Wise - Jones & Bartlett Publishers (2007) - Paperback - ISBN 0763736961 9780763736965
"Fits into the palm of your hand! Portable and concise, this quick reference equips nursing students and health professionals with the facts and figures they need for clinical experiences. Rapid Reference for Nurses: Nutrition allows students and professionals to answer the patient's questions concerning their specific nutritional needs and make good decisions about foods a patient may or may not consume.File Size: 4665 KBPrint Length: 489 pagesPage Numbers Source ISBN: 0763738573Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 1 edition (July 7, 2008) Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.Language: Engl
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Rapid Reference for Nurses by Karren E. Kowalski, Patricia S. Yoder-Wise Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New This text equips nursing students with the facts and figures they need for early clinical experiences. Contains a wealth of information, ranging from CPR, medical terminology, and abbreviations to professional references, organizations, and licensure. Publisher Description III covers selected patient care i
Medical Book Rapid Reference for Nurses
The Rapid Reference for Nurses: Nutrition allows students and professionals to quickly reference essential information concerning specific nutritional needs and make good decisions about foods patients may or may not consume.