Author: Richard D. Zane
Edition: Second
Publisher: LWW
Binding: Kindle Edition
Pocket Emergency Medicine (Pocket Notebook Series)
Pocket Emergency Medicine contains the essential information that residents and medical students in the emergency department need to have at their fingertips. Medical books Pocket Emergency Medicine . Major sections cover symptoms and diseases of each organ system as well as infectious diseases, environmental exposures, hematology and oncology, pediatric emergencies, the psychiatric patient, toxicology, airway management, and trauma.Information is presented in concise, rapid-access format, with easy-to-scan bulleted lists and tables. Chapters follow a standard structure—differential diagnosis, history, classic findings, critical studies, ED interventions, pearls, and references. The six-ring binder can accommodate the student's or resident's own notes Medical books Pocket Emergency Medicine. Categories: Medicine - Emergency Medical Services * General. Contributors: Richard D. Zane - Author. Format: NOOK Book

Download link for Azita G. Hamedani, Melisa W. Lai, Vicki E. Noble, Kaushal Shah: Pocket Emergency Medicine
Categories: Medicine - Emergency Medical Services * General. Contributors: Richard D. Zane - Author. Format: NOOK Book
Pocket Emergency Medicine
by Hamedani, Lai, Noble, Shah, Walls and Zane - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2003) - CD - ISBN 0781745012 9780781745017
Author: Chapman, Gareth Rhys ISBN-10: 1405193572
Medical Book Pocket Emergency Medicine
Major sections cover symptoms and diseases of each organ system as well as infectious diseases, environmental exposures, hematology and oncology, pediatric emergencies, the psychiatric patient, toxicology, airway management, and trauma.Information is presented in concise, rapid-access format, with easy-to-scan bulleted lists and tables. Chapters follow a standard structure—differential diagnosis, history, classic findings, critical studies, ED interventions, pearls, and references. The six-ring binder can accommodate the student's or resident's own notes.New topics covered in this edition include bioterrorism, distraction injuries, and indications for bedside emergency ultrasound. A special considerations section has been added to each chapter. Other new features include an acronym table, an introductory differential diagnosis table boxed for quick access, and an updated appendix with ACLS/PALS protocols, ICU medications, antibiotics, and formulas.