Author: Raymond E. Hampton
Publisher: Waveland Pr Inc
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1577662946
Introductory Biological Statistics
Statistical analysis is a powerful research tool. Medical books Introductory Biological Statistics. This user-friendly workbook provides a basic understanding of the nature and proper use of various statistical procedures. Written from the perspective of a biologist who uses statistics rather than from the standpoint of a statistician, Dr. Hampton's approach is much more applied than mathematical. Introductory Biological Statistics focuses on the commonly used parametric statistical tests, their nonparametric counterparts, and the conditions under which each test is appropriate or inappropriate Medical books Introductory Biological Statistics By Raymond E. Hampton Paperback Book. About FAQ Payment Delivery Contact Us 1800-987-323 Introductory Biological Statistics by Raymond E. Hampton , John E. Havel Format Paperback Condition Brand New Details ISBN 1577663802 ISBN-13 9781577663805 Title Introductory Biological Statistics Author Raymond E. Hampton, John E. Havel Format Paperback Year 2005 Publisher Waveland Pr Inc Dimensions 14mm x 19mm x 274mm About Us The Nile is the ideal place for all your reading needs! With fast shipping, low prices, friendly servi

Download link for Introductory Biological Statistics By Raymond E. Hampton Paperback Book About FAQ Payment Delivery Contact Us 1800-987-323 Introductory Biological Statistics by Raymond E. Hampton , John E. Havel Format Paperback Condition Brand New Details ISBN 1577663802 ISBN-13 9781577663805 Title Introductory Biological Statistics Author Raymond E. Hampton, John E. Havel Format Paperback Year 2005 Publisher Waveland Pr Inc Dimensions 14mm x 19mm x 274mm About Us The Nile is the ideal place for all your reading needs! With fast shipping, low prices, friendly servi
Introductory Biological Statistics
For sale is Introductory Biological Statistics by Hampton Raymond E Hampton.This 2nd edition was published in 2006. Save big by buying from our massive store of steeply discounted books and textbooks. This book is in good condition. Use the search box above to find more textbooks as we carry most books used by all colleges and high schools.About For more than ten years we have been selling steeply discounted books and textbooks online. We keep things simple as you can probably tell. We specialize in saving students and professionals lots of cash on overpriced textboo
by Raymond E. Hampton and John E. Havel - Waveland Press, Inc. (2006) - Paperback - ISBN 1577663802 9781577663805
Medical Book Introductory Biological Statistics
This user-friendly workbook provides a basic understanding of the nature and proper use of various statistical procedures. Written from the perspective of a biologist who uses statistics rather than from the standpoint of a statistician, Dr. Hampton's approach is much more applied than mathematical. Introductory Biological Statistics focuses on the commonly used parametric statistical tests, their nonparametric counterparts, and the conditions under which each test is appropriate or inappropriate. Dr. Hampton has included the more commonly used experimental designs and their associated computations, with some examples of each, to indicate their range of usefulness. He emphasizes the interrelatedness of design and analysis, as well as the assumptions upon which the various procedures are based. The assumptions of the tests are clear and accessible. "Caution Boxes" placed throughout the text help students avoid some of the more common pitfalls in using certain statistical procedures. In addition, the text offers exercises that use both small and large data sets, and answers to the exercises for chapters 3-9 are contained in an appendix. Key terms are boldfaced in the text and listed separately at the end of each chapter.